Investors should analyze their portfolios at least once a year. If you just "bottom line" your portfolio or compare its performance to the S&P 500 Index, you are likely missing key components that drive outcomes. Join us and find out how professionals deconstruct, analyze, monitor, and benchmark investment portfolios—including 401ks, retirement portfolios, mutual funds, ETFs, stocks, and global portfolios. An investment portfolio analysis is the best way to optimize performance and outcomes and avoid major problems. It also often results in higher returns and lower risks. In other words, it improves the odds of your investment success which can be especially important during these uncertain times.
Learning Objectives:
Longevity Capital Management LLC
Founder & President
[email protected]
(805) 917-6771
Terri McGray, president of Longevity Capital Management LLC, the Retire Right company, has over thirty-five years of experience in holistic retirement planning. Excellence isn’t just a goal—it’s the standard at the company she founded, Longevity Capital Management LLC. She and her highly specialized team don’t just help clients aim for retirement success; they redefine it. Their focus is sharp and their mission clear: to make retirement the pinnacle of one’s financial journey. Leveraging cutting-edge strategies and state-of-the-art technology, they deliver a unique holistic financial planning integrated with dynamic portfolio management to expertly guide CPAs and other busy professionals transition into retirement.
Mrs. McGray is more than a leader; she’s a champion of retirement success. As an educator, author of Retire Ready, and a sought-after speaker, she has taken the stage at the LA Accounting & Finance Show, CA HR Professional Conference, and numerous other prestigious venues across the U.S., addressing the national retirement crisis and the real challenges of achieving retirement success and solutions to drive positive outcomes.