If you want to create more time for what's most important, to make more money in less time with fewer clients, to increase the value of your practice dramatically, and to have a business that serves your life and not the other way around, this course is for you.
Traditional CPAs are facing so many challenges and risks within their practice today. Many are losing some of their very best clients for a variety of reasons, specifically those clients feel that they are not getting what they “need” and "want" from their current CPA. Many CPAs believe they do not have the time or the resources to deliver a world class experience to their most important clients. This course will share with you secrets of the most efficient CPAs in the country, and how they deliver a world class experience with best of breed solutions to their clients, all WITHOUT 3RD PARTY REFERRAL RISK.
We will discuss the alarming results from a number of recent CPA surveys of almost 200 Affluent Business owners and wealthy families about what they "want" from their CPA and are not getting. Jody Padar, author of The Radical CPA, just conducted a survey where 100% of the affluent business owners were not happy with the service that their CPA provided. Once you clearly understand what your target market wants (and is not getting and is willing to pay for), the opportunity to fill this gap is exciting and energizing to the CPAs who realize this in a series of “aha” moments.
This course will illuminate you as to how many of the most uniquely attractive CPAs in the country – “CPA Firms of the Future” are operating today and simply tackling all of these challenges effortlessly by using a superior, systematic approach.
Learn how to provide what your very best customers really want and become the most unique and differentiated CPA in your city.
Learn how to retain, attract and monetize your affluent client relationships, so that you deliver so much value to them and give them such an amazing experience, that they will want to brag about you at the best country club in town.
Learn how to access the best and brightest team of specialists in the country (Expand your brain-trust using a simple, proprietary process) without having to trust them with the referrals of your most important clients. 3rd party referrals are dangerous for many reasons, which will be discussed.
Learn how to build better relationships with your best clients and monetize those relationships. There is so much business sitting in your book of right now, that if you monetize it properly, you can choose to only work with your ‘A’ clients and make more money and create more time for what matters most to you and your family.
Learn how CPA Firms of the Future solve six and seven figure tax problems efficiently.
Learn what “8 Great Questions” to ask an ultra-affluent business owner that will help you to differentiate your firm from competition and to engage this type of client effectively.
Due Diligence Project
Founder, Due Diligence Project™ & Virtual Family Office Hub™
(858) 381-0795
Alex Sonkin is the founder of The Due Diligence (DDP) Project™ and The Virtual Family Office (VFO) Hub™.
Mr. Sonkin has authored a book, called “The Due Diligence Project™” and has been published in “Money Matters-Volume #2”, both available on Amazon. Alex has been quoted in a number of articles regarding the evolution of the CPA industry published in “Accounting Today” and has been interviewed on popular radio programs, including “It’s Your Money and Your Life!” Alex also hosts The Due Diligence Project Podcast™.
Highly sought after, Mr. Sonkin has been invited to provide thought leadership throughout the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, and Norway. Mr. Sonkin began his career as a derivatives (options) trader and market maker as a member of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), and the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE).
Mr. Sonkin is a partner in San Diego Social Venture Partners, and actively supports a number of other charitable organizations around the country. Mr. Sonkin lives in San Diego with his wife Jola and their four children. Mr. Sonkin is a graduate of University of Michigan Business School, in Ann Arbor, where he received a Degree in Finance and the Branstrom Award, a prestigious designation assigned to the top 5% of each graduating class.
Due Diligence Project
Director of Leadership Training
(619) 818-6624
Richard Muscio is the Director of Leadership Training for Perfect Client Pro. In this role, Richard teaches CPAs how to operate as the “CPA Firm of the Future” in order to reach new levels of efficiency, to truly differentiate from competitors, and to become more profitable while creating a lot more time for what is most important. Mr. Muscio draws upon his experience of reducing his personal client base from over 700 to his 6 best clients, which all happen to be Family Offices that he now manages and assists with Wealth Transfer Planning, Income Tax Controversy Representation, and Family Collaboration and Governance. Richard is also a CPA thought leader, bestselling author, motivational speaker, collaboration expert, community leader, radio talk show host and filmmaker.