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Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateAugust 2, 2017
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Since the change of administration in January of 2017, tax reform has become a top legislative priority. Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, is proposing massive changes to the tax code that would have dramatic impacts on all businesses. Although there are many steps left in the legislative process, there are several factors businesses should consider and plan for now to prepare for potential changes.

This webinar brought to you by CPAacademy and Engineered Tax Services includes four of the leading experts influential in building the comprehensive tax reform plan. We will discuss what you should be doing in anticipation of tax reform, and the specific changes being discussed.

Guest Speakers include: Jerome Pierce Jr., Shannon Scott-Paul, Duane J. Desiderio, and former IRS attorney Kreig Mitchell.

Learning Objectives

  • A comparison of the three blueprints for tax reform from the Ways and Means committee (Congress), the Senate and the Trump administration.

  • Understanding the differences, the most controversial aspects of each, and the most likely to pass with high support.

  • Tax planning implications.

  • Real Estate proposed tax changes.

  • The elimination of the death tax and estate planning implications.

  • Energy Efficiency Incentives and the future of the Clean Act of America.

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Mr. Julio Gonzalez formed the Gonzalez Family Office and is the CEO of Engineered Tax Services, which preserves wealth through engineering-based services such as energy tax incentives, cost segregation studies, disposition studies, repair regulation compliance, reserve studies, and engineering insurance appraisals. In addition to Engineered Tax Services and his Gonzalez Family Office, Julio oversees the family operational companies including Your EFO, Calle Gato Ocho (CGO), and Engineered Venture Services (EVS). Julio is committed to educating the accounting, financial advisor, and real estate investor communities on engineering-based accounting services and related tax benefits of these services. He is a regular public speaker on a national level regarding green construction, cost segregation studies, and the emerging energy tax programs. Julio has had several articles published nationally in many accounting and real estate investment publications.

About Our Presenter

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Engineered Tax Services (ETS) is the only qualified professional engineering firm that has a staff comprised of its own licensed engineers, to include LEED Accredited Professionals, and tax experts ranging from CPAs to a former senior IRS executive. We marry the science of engineering with the principles of tax and accounting to arrive at financial solutions that result in increased cash flow, minimized tax payments, and maximum return on investment and energy.