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Fmla fairbanks


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateSeptember 6, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaSpecialized Knowledge
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can present difficulties in application and compliance. This topic will assist the parties in their understanding of recurring issues and pitfalls that are associated with the Act, and specifically 'intermittent leave.' The focus will be on the distribution of vital information as well as the practical application of such knowledge to intermittent leave patterns and issues. You will become familiar with such dangers and it is anticipated that you will gain the tools to address these issues directly and confidently.

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Mr. Fairbanks graduated from Adams State College in 1990 and the University of Colorado School of Law in 1993. Mr. Fairbanks has worked at TAM since 1997, and has been a shareholder since 2001.

Mr. Fairbanks has a broad base of litigation experience, including workers’ compensation, general civil litigation defense, domestic relations and criminal defense. Mr. Fairbanks’ current practice includes worker’s compensation defense, professional malpractice defense, subrogation, and general liability defense. He is a member of the American, Colorado, and Denver Bar Associations, the Defense Research Institute and the Colorado Defense Lawyers Association.

About Our Presenter

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Treece Alfrey Musat P.C. was founded in 1991 by Bob Treece, Tom Alfrey, and Rich Musat, then partners in one of Denver’s largest litigation firms. TAM began its existence with five attorneys, a clerk, and two office staff members focusing almost exclusively on insurance defense lawsuits.

In the years since its inception, TAM has grown to rank in the 50 largest Colorado-based firms, with 20 attorneys involved in nearly every type of law. TAM represents clients in both trial and appellate litigation, and TAM attorneys serve as regional and coordinating national trial counsel in a wide range of disputes. We assist clients in starting and managing businesses, liaising with state and federal agencies, and assessing and implementing best practices and risk mitigation strategies.